FreeRadius – VLAN Attribution Working with Radtest but Not with WPA_Supplicant


Both of my services freeradius and openldap are on the same server. The schema Freeradius is loaded into openldap.

I configured the radiusProfileDN of a user to link to a group. In this group, I have radiusReplyAttribute set to give the informations of the vlan.

  • When I use the command radtest in local (or from the remote and already authenticated client), I recieve an Access-Accept packet (radius protocol) containing the information for the vlan. A wireshark capture show the information for the vlan is in the packet.
  LDAP + Radius                      LDAP + Radius ----- Switch ----- Client
    <--------                              <-----------------------------
    -------->              or              ----------------------------->
   *vlan info*                                       *vlan info*
  • When I use the tool wpa_supplicant (peap-gtc protocol), I authenticate with success but the client port is not added to the vlan group. A wireshark capture show the Access-Accept packet exchanged between the switch and the Radius server dont have the vlan information in it.
LDAP + Radius ----- Switch ----- Client
  <------------------    <----------
  ------------------>    ---------->
    *no vlan info*      wpa_supplicant

From the log of openldap, the same steps are made for the authentication with radtest or wpa_supplicant :

  1. read access allowed for radiusReplyAttribute on 'mygroup'
  2. result was in cache (radiusReplyAttribute)
  3. send_search_entry exit
  4. send_ldap_result & send_ldap_response

In the ldap server, I tried putting the vlan information directly in the user, or in the already made "variable" for the vlan info but I get the same result.

Do you know where my problem come from ? It seems related to wpa_supplicant using a different protocol than the radtest command and freeradius (maybe I miss a line in the configuration) ?

Best Answer

I am using the peap-gtc protocol for authentication.

To pass the attribute information in the Access-Accept packet, I had to edit the following freeradius file : mods-enabled/eap.

peap {
    use_tunneled_reply = yes

Now the switch port get configured in the corresponding vlan.

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