FreeRadius – Authenticate any User & Password


I am trying to help a facility who's radius server crashed – no recoverable data.

The clients are all installed (buried) in vehicles and are not readily accessible (need to tear stuff apart).

Access Point is an Orinoco AP-700, FreeRadius running on Centos validating to mysql.

Is there any way to adjust the settings so that ANY user/pass combo will be authenticated and allowed in? I could then ssh to the remote unit and re-configure the user/password settings on each unit.

I tried editing the /etc/init.d/users as listed below –

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Accept

session-timeout = 14400,

Termination-Action = RADIUS-Request

Restarted Radius – and…. nope. Still is not authenticating "any-user" or "any-password".

Additional thoughts/feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You should take a backup of the users file usually /etc/raddb/users, remove all content and enter only the below text for accepting all requests by default.

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Accept
session-timeout = 14400,
Termination-Action = RADIUS-Request

And of course, restart Radius service. I hope that's what you wanted to do.

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