FSRM Auto Apply Template Not Applying to Existing Folders


I have set up an auto-apply template using FSRM to a path with a number of existing subfolders but when I apply it, the exisiting folders are not getting a quota created for them.

  • There are 174 sub-folders, combined size is ~6.5GB, 13k files.
  • New sub-folders created after the quota get a quota applied to them, likewise with a folder that is renamed
  • There are no errors in the event viewer that appear to link to it
  • I have tried deleting and re-creating the quota
  • When a new parent folder & sub-folders are created the same directory, the auto-apply works as intended
  • Permissions for the parent folder are the same as a newly created folder
  • If I copy the parent folder and all contents to a new folder, it applies the auto-quota
  • Server version is Windows Server 2016 Standard running on Hyper-V with CU 2022-04 installed

I can just script a solution to do them individually and get around the problem but I'd like to try and figure out why this isn't working as intended.

Best Answer

So writing out the question basically led me to the answer. I made one edit to the question adding

If I copy the parent folder and all contents to a new folder, it applies the auto-quota

I did this quickly with Powershell and got a few long path name errors but ignored them as they don't affect quotas. So I decided to fix them while I was there and nestled in them was this error:

Powershell error

Explorer error when trying to access:

The handle is invalid error

Turns out our username format ended up creating a folder that started with CON. which isn't allowed.

Answer: You can't have any illegal filenames in a folder you're trying to apply an auto-quota to otherwise it will not apply the quotas to any of the sub-folders

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