FTP Access Denied when uploading to server


Ok, here's the story.

I have a server running FTP 'out there'

I can connect to it using the admin account, browse files, download files. When I try to upload files, I get 550 Access Denied.

I have tried through FileZilla and command line.
I have windows firewall turned off (on my machine)
I can UPLOAD files from another machine (using the same admin account) on our local network (that means, same public IP)

what is the problem?

I am running Windows 7, Build 7100 and the other machine on the network is running XP SP3

The thing that gets me though, is that this worked for the last probably 4 months, without a problem, I get back in the office after a weekend today and it won't work…

Best Answer

A common problem I have had with Windows boxes and FTP access, is that the local account I set up to log in via FTP on the target box does not have the "do not expire" checkbox checked. So basically it has expired the FTP account password, and wants it to be changed - but that can only be done manually, not through FTP.

That is the default state for new accounts created on the system and it must be changed manually (even the command line option /noexpire does not work on MS Server 2003 and below).

That might be your problem. To fix it, someone with admin access on the FTP target server has to login and check the "do not expire" checkbox for your FTP login account.
