Ftp – Debian 6: setting up FTP just for website editing


I have a VPS using Debian 6.0. Currently, SSH is set to not accept password logins, and only key-based ones.

A person who needs to work on one particular website (a vhost) wishes to use FTP. He doesn't need/want SSH. How can I set up FTP access for him, enabling him to have write permissions for all files in the relevant directory, and only the relevant directory? The directory is /srv/www/domainname.com/public_html

Currently, all directories and files in that directory belong to www-data:www-data and are 644/755.

I've installed vsftpd and have been reading some guides, but they all seem to deal with allowing multiple users to have their own user-named directories which isn't what I'm after. I can't seem to work out how to simply define one FTP user with a password that has access to one directory of my choosing.

This is my first experience of setting up an FTP server.


Edit: have also found this – maybe I should be using ProFTPd, or can vsftpd also do what I want?

Best Answer

If you want to go with the SFTP only solution, I have created a blog post recently that describes exactly this including a few of the common errors: http://blog.frands.net/sftp-only-chroot-users-with-openssh-in-debian-166/

If you want to go with the FTP solution, vsftpd is indeed a fine choice. However, when a user uploads a file it will be set with his user and group following the defined umask. You could set the user's primary group to www-data and then create a umask that fits in vsftpd.

This is a quick-howto do what I suggested:

Create the user with the www-data group, no real shell and the correct home dir, set the password afterwards

useradd -d /path/to/his/domain.com -g www-data -s /bin/false theusername
passwd theusername

Make sure that vsftpd accepts his shell. cat /etc/shells and look for /bin/false (it should not be there by default) - if it not there, add it:

echo "/bin/false" >> /etc/shells

Next, edit the vsftpd config file. Touch these parameters: (if they are commented out, remove the #)

Disable anonymous access to the server


Allow local users to use FTP


Allow file uploads


Set the umask, so the files the user uploads are also writable by group (www-data)


Chroot the user so he cannot move out of his home dir


Now, restart vsftpd

/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

and you should be all set.


  • FTP is generally insecure.
  • If SFTP is possible, use it.
  • Having the webserver allowed to write to files is a security flaw, unless the directory is used for uploads or files that the website commonly changes.