Ftp – FileZilla FTP Server permissions


I would like to install/configure a FTP server on my Windows Server 2012 R2 to grant access to my clients to browse their site files.

I have used FileZilla for this purpose earlier. This time I would like to enforce certain rules on FTP access

  1. Browse full assigned directory
  2. Deny downloads on everything or restricted amount (in size or count of files) of downloads per session
  3. Allow Uploads for new files
  4. Deny overrides for existing files
  5. Add multiple groups/users
  6. Associate each user to a local directory path

Once I enforce all these rules on my FTP server, user from a FTP client would get only enforced rules access.

Can I achieve all these using FileZilla or is there any better approach other than build my own FTP program.

Best Answer

  1. Browse full assigned directory

Grant Directories > List permission.

  1. Deny downloads on everything or restricted amount (in size or count of files) of downloads per session

To deny downloads, just remove Files > Read permission.

Restricted amount of download is not supported. But you can impose download speed limit.

  1. Allow Uploads for new files

Grant Files > Write permission.

  1. Deny overrides for existing files

Grant Files > Write permission, but remove Files > Delete permission.

  1. Add multiple groups/users

See Edit > Users and Edit > Groups.

  1. Associate each user to a local directory path

Use Set as home dir button.

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