Ftp – Filezilla FTP with Google Cloud compute engine Windows virtual instance not listing directory


I have a Windows 2016 VM instance in Google cloud. I have added an inbound Windows firewall rule to allow port 21. I have configured Google cloud with both inbound firewall rules for port 21 as well as outbound for all ports for passive.

I am able to connect to my FTP server, but I am receiving this error.

Response:   425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/"
Error:  Failed to retrieve directory listing

Note that I also have enabled TLS in filezilla, but with or without TLS enabled, I received the same error.

I have tried completely disabling the Windows firewall with no luck, so either my gcloud firewall settings are wrong, or my filezilla configuration is wrong.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

If you want to work using TLS you might need to open port 990 and even port 989. Another option to encrypt your data would be to use SFTP. There is a nice guide to configure Filezilla on GCE using SFTP here