Ftp – Filezilla FTPS server on Windows Server 2003 – can’t find a client to map a drive to this


I'm running an FTPS server on Windows Server 2003 (Filezilla Server). I want to map a network drive from my PC to the server, but most of the solutions are shown as SFTP. Those that aren't won't take my self-signed cert.


Best Answer

If your client PC is Windows and both the server and client are running NetBEUI, then it's rather simple:

  1. Click the "Map Network Drive" button in Explorer
  2. On the "What network folder would you like to map?" page, click the link that says "Connect to a website that you can use to store your documents and pictures."
  3. Select "Choose a custom network location" and in the "Internet or network address:" field type the ftp address. E.g. ftp://winserver/directory.
  4. You can choose to log on anonymously or use a specific username and password.

Now, if you want to map a drive letter to a FTP directory, you'll need a third party tool. One can also perform the same trick using NET USE. You'll need to modify your LMHOSTS file. More information here.