Ftp – Hide .svn directories with Proftpd


Is it possible to hide directories with Proftpd?

Specifically .svn directories.

There is a HideFiles but not a HideDirectories directive.
The problem with HideFiles is that it doesn't match on full path.

<Directory /home/ftp_user/my_project >

    # Despite trying to hide this directory it still shows up 
    # as /.svn in the ftp client.

    HideFiles "^\.svn" 

    <Limit ALL>
        allowuser ftp_user

Is there another way to hide directories?

Best Answer

According to the HideFiles documentation, HideFiles only gives files "hidden-ness", it doesn't actually hide them. To hide them, you need to use IgnoreHidden within a Limit block. So, try this:

<Directory /home/ftp_user/my_project>

    HideFiles ^\.svn$

    <Limit ALL>
        AllowUser ftp_user
        IgnoreHidden on