Ftp – How to avoid lftp Certificate verification error


I'm trying to get my Pelican blog working. It uses lftp to transfer the actual blog to ones server, but I always get an error:

mirror: Fatal error: Certificate verification: subjectAltName does not match ‘blogname.com’

I think lftp is checking the SSL and the quick setup of Pelican just forgot to include that I don't have SSL on my FTP.

This is the code in Pelican's Makefile:

ftp_upload: $(OUTPUTDIR)/index.html
lftp ftp://$(FTP_USER)@$(FTP_HOST) -e "mirror -R $(OUTPUTDIR) $(FTP_TARGET_DIR) ; quit"

which renders in terminal as:

    lftp ftp://username@blogname.com -e "mirror -R /Volumes/HD/Users/me/Test/output /myblog_directory ; quit"

What I managed so far is, denying the SSL check by changing the Makefile to:

lftp ftp://$(FTP_USER)@$(FTP_HOST) -e "set ftp:ssl-allow no" "mirror -R $(OUTPUTDIR) $(FTP_TARGET_DIR) ; quit"

Due to my incorrect implementation I get logged in correctly (lftp username@myblog.com:~>) but the one line feature doesn't work anymore and I have to enter the mirror command by hand:

mirror -R /Volumes/HD/Users/me/Test/output/ /myblog_directory

This works without an error and timeout. The question is how to do this with a one liner.

In addition I tried:

  • set ssl:verify-certificate/ftp.myblog.com no
  • This trick to disable certificate verification in lftp:

    $ cat ~/.lftp/rc
    set ssl:verify-certificate no

However, it seems there is no "rc" folder in my lftp directory – so this prompt has no chance to work.

Best Answer

From the manpage:

-c commands
Execute the given commands and exit. Commands can be separated with a semicolon (;), AND (&&) or OR (||). Remember to quote the commands argument properly in the shell. This option must be used alone without other arguments.

So you want to specify the commands as a single argument, separated by semicolons:

lftp ftp://$(FTP_USER)@$(FTP_HOST) -e "set ftp:ssl-allow no; mirror -R $(OUTPUTDIR) $(FTP_TARGET_DIR) ; quit"

You can actually omit the quit command and use -c instead of -e.