Ftp – How to move a set of files on the same FTP server


On the remote FTP server, I have a set of files in the directory remote.dir1. I would like to move all the files in that directory to remote.dir2.

I am using lftp and was trying something like this:

lftp> mv remote.dir1/* remote.dir2/

It does not work and displays: Access failed: 550 remote.dir1/*: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

I also tried:

lftp> glob -a mv remote.dir1/* remote.dir2/

which displays the usage message: Usage: mv <file1> <file2>

However, moving single file works: lftp> mv remote.dir1/file1 remote.dir2/

As a last resort, we can construct a file containing a set of lftp mv commands and source it.
Are there any solutions I am not aware of?
Or, are there any capable command line tools for the task?

I am restricted to FTP environment, so only solutions using FTP are acceptable due to the environmental constraint.

Best Answer

For documentation purpose, I will post the steps I used to complete the task. Any better solutions are much appreciated. ;-)

Note: this solution uses the lftp FTP client. You may have to install it on your machine before you can proceed.


lftp> renlist remote.dir1/ | "sed 's/\(.*\)/mv \"\1\" \"remote.dir2\/\"/'" > list  
lftp> source list  
lftp> !rm list  

Or, the one-linerTM:

lftp> renlist remote.dir1/ | "sed 's/\(.*\)/mv \"\1\" \"remote.dir2\/\"/'" > list && source list && !rm list
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