Ftp – How to start / stop proftpd


I can't seem to find a way to stop / re-start proftpd. My server IP address is xx.yy.zz.ww and connecting from external devices via FTP gives me the prompt:

Connected to xx.yy.zz.ww
220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD)

It then asks me for username.

Same thing happens when I try to connect from the same server (ftp localhost). Thus, I have established that proftp is running on my server .

Also, on my server (xx.yy.zz.ww) . I am tailing /var/log/messages and it shows me FTP session opened and closed.

I can't find how is the proftpd is working.
/etc/init.d/ doesn't have proftpd ; /etc/xinetd.d/ doesn't have proftpd.

I looked at: /etc/proftpd.conf and it shows me ServerType inetd

also, when I run: ps -auxfww | grep proftp I don't get anything (except my current command)

How can I find out that proftp is running and how do I kill it / restart it ?

Best Answer

Use netstat to see what process is holding port 21:

# netstat -tnlp

And from there you can use RPM to see what package owns the file to stop it and remove it from init.d.