Ftp – Is FTP and SFTP connection same


The developer who setup this is no longer working with us now. I' am trying to connect to my server through SFTP Example: sftp://, it doesn't connect. But when I use ftp:// as my host then it connects. My server has SSL.

Just wanted to know if I use FTP and my Server has SSL will the connection be same secured as SFTP?

More Information:
It used to work before with sftp://

Best Answer

They are two different things.

FTP is a non-secure file transfer protocol. That your server "has SSL" (I assume you mean https) doesn't affect the FTP server at all.

SFTP is a protocol based on SSH. If your server has an SSH server installed, you should be able to use SFTP.

From man sftp:

     sftp is an interactive file transfer program, similar to ftp(1), which
     performs all operations over an encrypted ssh(1) transport.  It may also
     use many features of ssh, such as public key authentication and compres-
     sion.  sftp connects and logs into the specified host, then enters an
     interactive command mode.