Ftp – On Git Push to one server, also pull the pushed files using ftp


Sorry if the title is confusing…
So, we have 2 servers. A Root Server for internal Stuff (GitLab, etc) and one managed server where we don't have SSH. Just Plesk and FTP.

So basically, I git push my commits to the root server running gitlab. After the push is complete I also want that the entire repo or new commits are getting pulled to the managed plesk-server.

Is this possible?
Also, one thing worth to mention is that plesk creates subfolders for every domain, so it should be possible to specific a folder.

Best Answer

if you are using the most recent version of gitlab with its ci-runner, you could trigger a job where you can use lftp to upload the latest working copy of the repo to your Plesk server. Avoid using plain FTP, use FTP over SSL

Here are some links for GitLab and CI-Runner

Install a GitLab CE Omnibus package

The TL;DR version of how GitLab CI works

You would hardly get away with something simpler or better documented, this doesn't require a lot of Linux background, very few command line action, mainly editing text files

Hope this helps