FTP partial uploads on IIS8


I set up a new FTP server on Windows Server 2012 with IIS 8. When I upload an entire directory, many of the files are cut off and don't match the original file size. I haven't really compared them all but it seems like it might always be 2KB off. If I re-upload that individual file, it will work most of the time.

Here is my log for the latest file that had problems:

21 STOR Quotes.Core.dll 226 0 0 4b2ed740-5b0e-4bb0-8d82-19837385278e /quotes/bin/Quotes.Core.dll
21 PASV – 227 0 0 4b2ed740-5b0e-4bb0-8d82-19837385278e –
52547 DataChannelOpened – – 0 0 4b2ed740-5b0e-4bb0-8d82-19837385278e –
52547 DataChannelClosed – – 2148074264 0 4b2ed740-5b0e-4bb0-8d82-19837385278e –

The file should be 326,656 but ends up 324,800

  • This happens to all sorts of files (text, dll, image, config)
  • I've set my FTP client (FileZilla) to the transfer types Auto and Binary with identical results
  • I've also tried WinSCP
  • The server has port 21 open and ports 1024-65535 open for passive in Windows firewall
  • I've tried non-SSL and requiring SSL connections with a self-signed cert

I have 2 servers with almost identical configurations and have this problem on both but not any other 3rd party server. Any ideas?

Best Answer

After speaking with my web host (Rackspace), they determined it was an incorrect setting on my NIC driver. TCP Checksum Offload was enabled and my truncation problems went away after disabling it.

More info here: