Ftp – Problems with WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server


I have a rackspace cloud server running Ubuntu 12. I've setup the web server, PHP and MySQL and it's all working with my custom PHPs and databases performing as expected

But, the problem arises when I install wordpress. The installation was smooth but I can't add any plugins or media from the dashboard

When I try to add the plugins, it asks me for my FTP details. I've setup the server entirely in SSH via terminal. I have not used any FTP related thing in it. So I'm clueless about it

Next, when I try to add media, it says it does not have enough permissions even though I've granted full permissions to the database user. Besides, I cannot change the wp-content folder to 777 from security point of view.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Best Answer

Change the owner of wp-content to be the same as whatever user Apache is running as - it might be "apache" or "nobody". You're having this issue because WordPress cannot update itself unless Apache has permission to change the contents of the wp-content directory.

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