Ftp – Proftpd: How to set default root to a users home directory without jailing the user


I've installed proftpd on my debian box but I'm having having some trouble with the configuration.

In my proftpd.conf I've added;

DefaultRoot ~ !ftp_special

This works fine in that all users except members of ftp-special are unable to navigate outside of their home folder. However, I want users that are members of ftp-special to enter a special home folder when logging on to the ftp server but at the same time I want them to be able to navigate the entire server.

Right now, if a user that is a member of ftp-special logs on, his entry-point is the root ( / ).

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Unfortunately I believe there is no server-side workaround for this. Users who are exempted from the "DefaultRoot" parameter are not forced by the ProFTPd daemon to be logged into a special directory. The only option that I am aware of is to ask the User to set the path on the client-side.