FTP restrict user access to a specific folder


I have created a FTP Site inside IIS 7.5 panel. Now I have access to whole site using administrator username and password.

Now, I want to let my friend access a specific folder of that FTP site. (for example, this path: \some\folder\accessible\)

I can't create a whole new FTP Site for this purpose, since it says the port is being used by another website.

How to create an account for my friend to have access to just an specific folder?

P.S: I have read about User Isolation feature of IIS 7.5, but I couldn't find how to create a user just for FTP and set it to a custom path.

Best Answer

I've finally solved this problem. Here is what I did:

  1. Configure FTP with IIS Manager Authentication (I've pointed my FTP site to empty folder C:\inetpub\ftproot which was empty)

  2. In IIS Control panel, select your FTP Site and then double click on FTP User Isolation.

  3. Select User name directory and click Apply.

  4. Now right click on the FTP Site, click Create new Virtual directory.

  5. Set the alias to the IIS Manager user name that you created in step 1, and set its physical path to everywhere you want that user to have access.

  6. Click OK.

Now that IIS manager user is able to access the folder you wanted via FTP, and he'll not have access to any other place.

Please note that you should repeat steps 1-6 for each user. (Step 1, from CONFIGURE THE IIS MANAGEMENT SERVICE AND ADD AN IIS 7 MANAGER part to the end of that page, then steps 2-6)