Ftp – Send files from host to any VmWare VMDK


Can someone inform me as to what is the best way to send files from my hard disk to any of my VmWare images.

I'm thinking FTP(FileZilla might be usefull), but I'm not sure how to do this.

EDIT: some people don't seem to understand: I have VmWare Server installed. I then want to be able to transfer files from the host OS, on which VmWare server is running, to whatever VMDK file I have running on VmWare server.

For instance, I now have Windows 7 RC running on VmWare, I want to send some files from my Vista, to the Windows 7 running on VmWare

Thusly, I am transfering individual files from my host onto my VMDK. I do not wish to create VMDK backups or copy the VMDK to another machine.

Best Answer

The builtin filesharing has always worked for me. Install the vmware-tools and configure vmware to enable filesharing. Granted, this does open a security hole from the virtual machine to the physical machine, so be careful.

The FileZilla server is pretty easy to install. Install, and then under settings, configure a user.