Ftp – Unable to connect to FTP – Connection timeout after MLSD


So here is my problem, I'm absolutely unable to connect to a FTP server, in circumstances I've never seen before. Here is the situation :

  • I get a "Connection timed out" just after the MLSD command.
  • I usually use Filezilla, under Ubuntu, but to make sure the problem isn't related to this particular client I tried a few others : gftp on ubuntu and winscp and freeftp on windows 7. All the same result.
  • Also made sure to try with Active or Passive modes. Same result.
  • At this point I would be inclined to think there is something wrong with my current network (furthermore, according to a coworker the FTP server is OK). But I did check with http://ftptest.net/ and I am able to get the directory listing (which I'm not able to through a FTP client).

So in the end the last thing I didn't tried is to go on another network, solution which seems would work, but wouldn't be very practical in the long run. And thus I guess there's something wrong with my router… but what could it possibly be?

Note : I did try to register and post this question on filezilla's board first… but I can't create an account with a gmail nor hotmail account. WTF?

Best Answer

According to the FileZilla admins, your router is probably the issue (even though you probably can't do anything about it), and they're not going to fix it to fall back to LIST if MLSD times out. See: http://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11405&start=15

Solution: Try Core FTP or similar. It's unlikely you'll be able to convince the stubborn FileZilla folks to add a (stupidly simple) workaround option- "fall back to LIST if MLSD times out".

Or, since it's open source, see if you or someone else can make the change and compile it yourself. I imagine if you try to submit the change to be added to the official build, they'll reject it, but perhaps we could be pleasantly surprised.