Ftp – vsftpd error cannot bind socket or connect


I just installed vsftpd on a rackspace cloudserver running ubuntu.

After a restart I get the following error:

root@scrapy:~# vsftpd
500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket

And this error in Transmit when I try to ftp:

Error -203: miscellaneous error occurred while trying to login to the host

Best Answer

See if this is helpful:


In particular:

Edit the /etc/vsftpd.conf and make sure that you have commented out the "listen=YES", if you are trying to run vsftpd through xinetd.

I'd run a stop and make sure noone is listening before starting the daemon.

Edit: Re: your second issue, you need to allow FTP on your firewall.

You need port 20/21 tcp depending on active or passive FTP. slacksite.com/other/ftp.html