Ftp – Windows Server 2008 with FileZilla, slow


First post on this site. Seems like a nice place. ^__^

Well, installed Windows Server 2008 as our dev server.
IIS works as it should, the remote desktop with TightVNC works but lags
and I need to refresh everything all the time.
But the real issue is with our ftp.

We're trying to use FileZilla. Connecting locally works great but when I try to connect from the same place using the external ip everything goes slow.

I can connect so the port must be open correctly but I can't do anything useful.
When I open a folder to check what's inside it takes one or two minutes to get the folder open.

Any ideas why it's like this?


Best Answer

What's your WAN connection like? Firewall? You might want to put Wireshark on the machine with FileZilla to see what's happening.