GCP Managed Instance verification


I have a GCP Managed Instance Group with 1 instance running Windows Server. The VM is created and I ran the below code to confirm the instance is RUNNING.

gcloud compute instances describe <instance name>

However console is showing a spinning wheel next to the VM name and it says "Instance is being verified". It has been like this for more than 2 hours. Occasionally, there would be an exclamation mark saying "The resource 'projects/(proj name)/zones/(zone name)/instances/(instance name)' is not ready".

Then after a while, the spinning wheel's message changes to "Instance is being recreated".

I cannot RDP into the server because the instance is still being verified or recreated. How do I overcome this?

Is this an issue with the instance template?

Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This is usually a problem with your instance template. It happens to me occasionally when I make a new template and apply it where my instance will sit there spinning forever saying instance is being verified. Revert to an older template if you can (or make a new one from an instance snapshot) and replace the instance.