GCP – Requests to Increase ‘CPUs (All Regions)’ Quota Keep Getting Rejected


I recently started using the Compute Engine Google Cloud Platform. Last week, I switched from the free trial to a paid plan. As my deployments were limited by the CPU quota, I requested increases for two quotas: "CPUs (europe-north1)" and "CPUs (all regions)". The europe-north1 quota was accepted right away and is now 512. However, my deployments are now still limited by the all regions quota, which is at 32.

I have not heard back about the all regions quota yet and any further requests get rejected right away with the following message:

We have received your quota request for [PROJECT].

Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you additional quota at this time. If this
is a new project please wait 48h until you resubmit the request or until your
Billing account has additional history.

Your Sales Rep is a good Escalation Path for these requests, and we highly
recommend you to reach out to them.

If you have any further questions, please reply to this thread or feel free to
reach out to us at gc-team@google.com.

I have no sales rep, so I contacted the gc-team@google.com address last week, but haven't heard from them since. I read that, apparently, this all regions quota was introduced recently.

What I have tried so far:

  • Requested different numbers for the all regions quota.
  • Made a manual payment, which went through.

However, my requests keep getting rejected and I am still limited to 32 CPU cores in total. Any ideas or hints on this?

Update: I have been using n1-standard-4 and n1-standard-8 instances. As soon as the total number of CPUs exceeds 32, GCP aborts deployment. For example, when I try to create 8 n1-standard-8 VMs, I receive the following error message (via terraform):

google_compute_instance.worker[3]: 1 error(s) occurred:
google_compute_instance.worker.3: Error waiting for instance to create: Quota 'CPUS_ALL_REGIONS' exceeded.  Limit: 32.0 globally.

Best Answer

This issue related only to your GCP quotas:

google_compute_instance.worker.3: Error waiting for instance to create: Quota 'CPUS_ALL_REGIONS' exceeded.  Limit: 32.0 globally.

and unfortunately Server Fault community can do nothing with such issues.

Have a look at the email from Google Cloud Support again:

Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you additional quota at this time. If this is a new project please wait 48h until you resubmit the request or until your Billing account has additional history.

Your Sales Rep is a good Escalation Path for these requests, and we highly recommend you to reach out to them.

If you have any further questions, please reply to this thread or feel free to reach out to us at gc-team@google.com.

To solve this issue you can try steps below:

  • Try to work for a while with current quotas, if it possible for your use case, to get some history on your account and after that request an increase in quota.
  • Try to split desired increase in quota into some steps that could be approved like 32 -> 64 -> 128 -> 256 -> 512.
  • Try to reach Google Sales Team.
  • Try to reply again to gc-team@google.com but provide some arguments to clarify your request.
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