GCP – GCP VM Disk Space Alert Setup


How can I configure GCPs monitoring suite to look at % disk utilization (in total space used, not IOPs)?

The only "disk used" metric I see in metrics explorer seems to chart some kind of units per second.

My end goal is to set alerts when a disk reaches past a certain threshold, say 85%, before filling up.

Best Answer

Go to GCP console > Monitoring > alerting policy. Click on "+ Create Policy" button on the top and "Add Condition" 0 you will see a panel that looks something like this below.

Alerting policy creation details

Set everything as fallows:


  • Resource type: GCE VM Instance
  • Metric: Disk Utilization


  • name: name of your disk (a list of all your disks will pop up - select one)
  • device: name of the partition (the one you want to monitor)
  • state: free


  • Condition: below
  • Threshold: 15% (or any other value)
  • for: (most recent value to get alert immediately)