Generate a limited amount of random network traffic between 2 hosts


I'm trying to find a utility that will allow me to generate a constant flow of random network traffic at a specified rate between 2 hosts. The utility needs to run on Windows and OSX. I've tried iperf but it seems to be more oriented toward short-term testing/statistics and it really taxes the CPU even at slower rates. I want something that will generate traffic for a few weeks at say 10Mbps while I use other tools to monitor the impact of that level of traffic on the network.

Best Answer

Use ping. You can script it to run random floods, and do all kinda of cool stuff. I'm not a MacOS expert but I'm pretty sure it is very similar to the Linux CLI options...

So to push the ports to the link speed limit run a flood ping (note must be root to do this, I'm running mine for 100,000 packets here):
$ping -f -c 100000 <destination IP>

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