Get a list of running ec2 instances programmatically

amazon ec2amazon-web-services

Hi i have started with aws and found out that we can get a list of running servers with the aws php sdk. Is there any other way to get the list of all ec2 instances? after getting the list i want to sync the data from one main instances to all the instances. Something like a button click can also do the operation. Are rsync, incron the only options, or it can be done by aws php sdk also. Please provide some tutorial links.

Best Answer

I think you would use the AWS php sdk;

Run through the getting started guide to setup your keys;

And then use the describe_instances function to collect an array of instances;

It looks like you could either construct and filter to return only running instances, or then loop over the returned like to to get more detailed information using the describe_instance_status function;

Something tlike the following will work...

require_once "/home/XXX/src/php-aws-sdk-1.5.3/sdk.class.php";
    'testing' => array(
        'key' => 'XXX',
        'secret' => '+YYY+',
        'default_cache_config' => '',
        'certificate_authority' => false
    // Specify a default credential set to use if there are more than one.
    '@default' => 'testing'
$ec2 = new AmazonEC2();
$response = $ec2->describe_instances(array( "Filter" => array(
  array("Name"=>"instance-state-code", "Value" => "16"))));
foreach($response as $res){
 var_dump( $res );

instance state code 16 is for "running"