Get IIS 7.5 to listen on IPv6


I'm using IIS on Windows 7, and I can't get it to bind to the IPv6 equivalent of and ([::] and [::1])

The first one gives me an error when trying to start the service that says

The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL 
prefix http://[::]:80/ for site 1. The site has been disabled. The data field
contains the error number.

The second one doesn't give any errors but doesn't listen on anything apart from

The bindings dropdown only has my teredo address (2001::) listed, and not my link local (fe80::) one.

Best Answer

OK... for some reason I needed to use the netsh tool.

run netsh as an administrator
add iplisten ipaddress=::

That enabled IIS to listen on IPv4 and IPv6 while leaving the settings inside IIS to listen on "all interfaces".