Get IP network range after reverse DNS


For analytics purposes, I'm looking at large sets of IP addresses in server log files. I'm trying to perform reverse-DNS lookups to understand where traffic is coming from – e.g. what percentage of IPs resolve to corporations, schools, government, international etc.

Despite a bunch of optimizations, individually reverse-DNS'ing every IP address still appears to be fairly expensive though. So –

is there any way to obtain an entire range of IPs from a reverse-DNS?

If yes, this could greatly reduce the number of actual reverse-DNS lookups.

Example (numbers slightly obfuscated):

  • Log file contains a request from an IP
  • Reverse DNS resolves to 21599 IN PTR
  • (So this is a visitor from Rochester University,
  • Now, would it be safe to assume that all at least all IPs from 128.151.162.* will also resolve to
  • What about 128.151.*.*? Is there a way to get the exact IP range?

Best Answer

Is there any way to obtain an entire range of IPs from a reverse-DNS?

Not really, no; in extremely rare cases you might be able to do a DNS zone transfer query to get all the records in the zone (the whole /24, generally), but there's a very low chance that the name server you're querying will respond to this request. Expect one query per address for reverse DNS (sorry!).

Now, would it be safe to assume that all at least all IPs from 128.151.162.* will also resolve to

Generally speaking, probably, as a university they're likely to own the whole /24. However, that's not a good rule to apply as a general case; a smaller school might not have a whole /24, or might not have it in reverse DNS.

The reverse DNS itself is going to be pretty hit-or-miss - in many cases it'll be just generated names under the ISP's hostnames or no records at all. For better data, we're going to make things even more expensive - you should also look at data from whois.

For example, here's the info from that Rochester IP - it shows the size of the allocation (the whole /16 range, so in this case that applies to 128.151.*.*) and the organization it's allocated to.

The whois info should provide a great source of truth for the info you want, and has the upside of being able to see what range that applies to. The downside is that for smaller allocations, a range will often just show as belonging to the ISP instead of the end customer. Combining both whois and reverse DNS should provide the best information (and be ridiculously slow).