Get the authenticated user under apache


Using Apache 2.2 on Windows with mod_auth_sspi and mod_headers. I'm trying to pass the current authenticated user through to the proxy target in the X-Remote-User header.

I expect that this is simple, but I've been wrangling Apache for an hour now and can't find the secret sauce in documentation or google.

My configuration is as follows. It correctly authenticates the user with Active Directory, and then proxies the request through to the server sitting behind. However, the X-Remote-User header doesn't get added. It appears that the REMOTE_USER environment variable doesn't exist. Neither does AUTH_USER.

I know that the authenticated username is available somewhere, but how do I get it?

ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass /clsoap/

<Location /clsoap/>
    ProxyPassReverse /clsoap/

    AuthName "ADTest"
    AuthType SSPI
    SSPIAuth On
    SSPIAuthoritative On
    SSPIUsernameCase lower
    SSPIOfferBasic Off
    Require valid-user

    RequestHeader set X-Remote-User "%{REMOTE_USER}e" env=REMOTE_USER
    RequestHeader set X-Auth-User "%{AUTH_USER}e" env=AUTH_USER

Best Answer

Yay. Another google session later trying different random keywords and I found this:

This now works:

ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass /clsoap/

<Location /clsoap/>
    ProxyPassReverse /clsoap/

    AuthName "ADTest"
    AuthType SSPI
    SSPIAuth On
    SSPIAuthoritative On
    SSPIUsernameCase lower
    SSPIOfferBasic Off
    Require valid-user

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)
    RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1]
    RequestHeader set X-Remote-User "%{RU}e" env=RU
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