“getent passwd” enumerates users, “su ” fails


I have an LDAP server with two BDB backends. The user accounts are split between the two backends. Backend A has a referral object to Backend B.

I have tried to setup LDAP client authentication on Linux Mint 13. getent passwd lists users between Backend A and Backend B but when using su – , su returns "Unknown id". Though, using su with the user ID from Backend A works just fine.

Below is my /etc/ldap/ldap.conf in the client (Linux Mint 13):

    base dc=backendA 
    uri ldaps://ldap.x.example.com
    ldap_version 3 
    binddn cn=auth,dc=backendA 
    bindpw admin@123 
    referrals yes 

And the /etc/ldap.conf in the client:

    base dc=backendA 
    uri ldaps://ldap.x.example.com 
    ldap_version 3
    binddn cn=auth,dc=backendA
    bindpw admin@123 
    rootbinddn cn=admin,dc=backendA 
    pam_password md5 

    deref always 
    referrals yes 

    nss_base_passwd    ou=users,dc=backendA?one
    nss_base_shadow    ou=users,dc=backendA?one
    nss_base_group    ou=roles,dc=backendA?one 

    nss_base_passwd    ou=users,dc=backendB?one
    nss_base_shadow    ou=users,dc=backendB?one
    nss_base_group     ou=roles,ou=users,dc=backendB?one

What could be wrong?

Best Answer

the getent passwd is just a part of it, it tell that the system can see the user and that the ldap is working, but the su might be using also PAM and PAM have it own set of rules, not just the system user list. As you are using MINT, you are for sure using PAM.

check the /etc/pam.d/su file and any file it loads. you are for sure missing the ldap config in there. Use this document as base for configuring it.