Getting different results from two servers that located in the same destination network


There's two servers with the same network IP, and the only difference between them is the last two numbers like: and The Hosting Provider claims that the subnet mask for both networks is

When I try the command Tracert (Traceroute) to test the ping and to see what hops does it take to reach the destination server, I get different ping times and different forward path results which is strange because they are all located in the same company host.

Is there something wrong? Shouldn’t it take the same path too?

I have added the the full IP addresses to both servers as requested by some commenters. Well the two servers aren’t “International” anyways, so as far as I know, the only thing that comes to mind is the possibility that the two are configured on different subnetworks just like what “joeqwerty” states in his answer. Though it’s suspicious.

UPDATE: After doing so much research, I found out the Subnet of these two hosts. They are on a /15 ( subnet mask. Unfortunately, this is what that hosting provider claimed to me which is not true, and the true Subnet they apparently use is a /17 ( Subnet mask. It turns out that they were definitely on different Subnets. That's why I got different traceroutes when I tested these two IPs and because they are clearly on different Subnets. Thank you everyone for these good answers, especially joeqwerty his answer helped me a lot.

Best Answer

You're leaving out a crucial piece of information, which is the subnet mask. You're making an incorrect assumption that these two hosts are in the same network/subnet based solely on the octet values without considering the subnet mask that each host is using. They could very well be in different networks.

Think of a house address. If I told you that I lived at 123 Smith Street would you know where my house is? No, you wouldn't. If I told you that I lived at 123 Smith Street in Smithtown would you know where my house is? No, you wouldn't. If I told you that John Smith also lives on Smith Street would you know if he and I are neighbors? No, you wouldn't. Even if I told you that John Smith also lives in Smithtown it's not possible for you to know if we're neighbors. If I told you that I lived at 123 Smith Street in Smithtown, Michigan 46123 would you know where my house is? Yes, you would. If I then told you that John Smith lives at 361 Smith Street in Smithtown, Michigan 46123 would you know if we're neighbors? Yes, you would know that we are in fact neighbors and live in the same neighborhood.

Knowing the IP address without knowing the subnet mask is like knowing my house address and street name without knowing the city, state and zip code. It's incomplete and doesn't give you enough information to know where my house is, or if a particular person also lives in my neighborhood.

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