Getting “Quota ‘CPUS’ exceeded. Limit: 0.0 in region asia-south1” error while add an instance


as titile, I checked the project quota, it display the limitation of CPU quota is '0' in the region of asia-south1, please guide me how to do the next, thanks.

Best Answer

I am getting the exact same error. The usual step is to request for a quota raise in the specific region (asia-south1).

  1. You may go to page (for your specific project), which lists a table of all the quotas for the selected project.
  2. Select the limit-name "CPUs" from the table there. Click on All quotas to modify current CPU limit for your desired region.
  3. For instance, asia-south1 shows its limited to 0. You can edit it and send your request.

Usually, this takes care of your request immediately (modulo 15 minutes wait time) However, doing so, did not help me in this region (asia-south1). This seems to be a recent issue. I am able to create instances in other regions but not here!

----EDIT 4th Jan 21---

Just received an update from Google cloud support team: "After careful evaluation, we have determined that we are unable to provide the requested quota increase for your project at this time as we are temporarily restricting access to this region (asia-south1)." So, that is the reason why any request to increase the quota will not work in this region. Will update this post if the support team provides any further update for lifting this restriction.

---- Edit 17 Sep 2021 I am able to increase quota for the region now. Not facing this issue anymore as Google has started granting request for new quotas here.