Getting started with documentation


We haven't been doing any documentation at my workplace. I'm completely new to it and ask for some guidance getting started.

I have a few questions:

  • What are the essential documents that a sysadmin should write and maintain? And why are these so important?

  • How do you keep your documentation in sync with the system? How do you minimize duplication of information?

  • Recommended guides, best practices, anti-patterns?

Best Answer

since 2003 I'm documenting everything in our inhouse wiki.


  • hardware specs
  • waranty information
  • network information
  • and of course installed software and configuration


e.g. how-to add or delete a user and give him/her access to all relevant services

Important links

  • link to all your web interfaces
  • link to the monitoring URLs (nagios, munin, apc-monitoring...)
  • link to the wiki (for the printed version!)

Emergency instructions

what to do if intranet server/internet/web server/etc are down


Choose a wiki engine with easy export to PDF!
Its not useful if you are in holiday, the server running your wiki is down and no one knows what to do because your documentation is offline

Have a look at twiki, docuwiki or mediawiki.


there is a plugin to write directly to mediawiki - very convenient.


Its also nice to write down some infos to /home/adminuser/maintenance. This is done quick and can be very helpfull, if several admins work on a server. eg:

2009-06-27 -thorsten-
          running aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade
          everything seems ok
2009-06-25 -andreas-
          cups-pdf wasn't reachable. restarted cups
2009-06-23 -thorsten-
          deleted old log under /var/log/squid
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