Getting the error “SMTP server cannot create a file in the queue directory C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Queue\”


We're using the default SMTP server for our websites to send mail with, but in the last day sending messages started getting this error:

Insufficient system storage. The server response was: 4.3.1 Out of memory

Further digging found this message in the System event log:

SMTP server cannot create a file in the queue directory C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Queue\

I've since given the Everyone account full control of the mailroot folder but it's still happening. There's enough space on the server and to the best of my knowledge nothing on the server has been changed

Best Answer

[SOLVED] Hi guys,

In the event that, like me, somebody else comes across this page trying to find an answer..

I had the exact same problem using Virtual SMTP server on an XP x64 box with 4GB ram and plenty of disk space so I knew it was not a resource issue. I tried adding various directory security settings (including everybody with full control to the Inetpub directory and it's subdirectories).

I was about to wipe and reinstall IIS completely but on a whim I just removed the SMPT server component and reinstalled. It began working again straight away.

Hope this info can help somebody else Moz