Gigabit Network – Test


I have a very basic and newbie question. I was told that we have a "Gigabit Network". So, I ran a quick scp test by copying a file to another machine and the transfer rate is only 35MB/sec.

Shouldn't the transfer rate be near the 1GB/sec?

Also, is there a command line that will tell me that I have a "Gigabit network"? Eg. will ifconfig tell me that?

Best Answer

GigaBIT Ethernet is 1 billion BITS per second. Theoretical maximum transfer is 125MB/sec.

Having said that, your 35MB/sec is a bit slow, but encryption is going to slow down SCP file transfers and that probably accounts for it.

Encryption aside, any file transfer is a poor network benchmark as your I/O subsystem may be bottlenecking the transfer, though. You mention ifconfig, so I assume you're running some *nix OS. Have a look at the ttcp utility. It gives a nice measure of TCP throughput on your network.