Git master repository on central server


currently i am working with subversion and trying to switch to git as an RCS. Maybe i don't understood the principle of git correct, but there is one big question:

Does git need some kind of server component which is responsible for holding the so called "master" repository? I couldn't find any information in the tutorials about setting up a git server component.
What i like to do is to setup a central git repository on my root server (Ubuntu) which is the "master" repository where all developers checkout and commit (i think it's called "pull" and "push" in git) their changes from the local repositories from.

Is this possible, or does git not have a central server component at all?

Best Answer

I use Gitorious on my Ubuntu server to manage all my personal projects. It's quite a lot of work to set up, but well worth it in my opinion.

You could also sign up for a free account on Gitorious itself, or the well-known (but unstable in my experience) Github.

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