Git Permissioning


I'd like to give a designer commit access to the html/css/images etc for a project I'm working on. The problem is the git repository which stores this information is also shared with the general code base which I'd prefer the designer not have access to as they have no need for it.

In SVN I'd resolve this by simply permissioning directories within the repository to be accessible by certain people only. As far as I'm aware this isn't possible in git due to the different structure, you either have the entire repo or you don't.

What's the recommended way to complete this? How are others getting around this problem?


Best Answer

Either learn to live with the designer having access to the code (they can't change anything without leaving a record of it, anyway), or else split out the stuff they do need access to into a separate repo and then include that in your main project as a submodule. You can use git filter-branch to strip out the parts of the repository you don't want the designer to have access to in the separate repo.