GitLab always Redirects to HTTPS


I would like to run GitLab behind an Apache Reverse Proxy. The Apache makes all the SSL Stuff.

I´ve configured gitlab.rb like this.

external_url ''
nginx['listen_address'] = ''
nginx['listen_port'] = 8888
nginx['listen_https'] = false
nginx['external_users'] = ['http']

but when i enter the in my webbrowser Gitlab always redirects me to but thats wrong the embedded Webserver from gitlab shoud do everithing with HTTP only

The problem is

external_url ''

if i change it to

external_url ''

everything works fine but it does not solve my problem because now gitlab thinks the external URL is only a HTTP not HTTPS.

How can I kill this redirect to https? That the Gitlab embedded Webserver does everything with http and the reverse proxy the ssl stuff


Best Answer

The external_url has to be set in GitLab only http, https will be enabled on your reverse proxy:

external_url ''

Do not forget to reconfigire Gitlab after making changes.

gitlab-ctl reconfigure

In your reverse proxy set:

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