Glibc Dependency Issue


I am attempting to install glibc-2.5.34.i386.rpm on RHEL 5 (necessary in order to install gcc, which in turn is needed to install Apache server). I mounted the RHEL 5 iso to /mnt and copied over the relevant RPM files to a separate directory). When I run rpm -ivh glibc-2.5-34.i386.rpm I am getting a dependency error stating the following:

error: Failed dependencies: glibc-common = 2.5-34 is need by glibc-2.5-34.i386

Okay, so I grabbed the glibc-common RPM from the RPM fiinder site and ran rpm -ivh on it. However, it complains that I have a newer version of glibc-common package installed (2.5-34.el5_3.1.i386) and then spits out a bunch of lines about conflicting files. So is there a way to somehow uninstall or rollback glibc-common to version 2.5-34 so that I can go ahead with the install of glibc?

Btw, I cannot use yum due to network connectivity issues.

Best Answer

Step 1

/mnt/RHEL5.3/Server# rpm -ivh creatrepo*.rpm
/mnt/RHEL5.3/Server# rpm -ivh vsftpd*.rpm
/mnt/RHEL5.3# cp -av Server/ /var/ftp/pub

createrepo -v /var/ftp/pub/Server
createrepo -g /root/comps-rhel5-server-core.xml /var/ftp/pub/Server 

You'll find .xml file at /mnt/RHEL5.3/Server/repodata. It will create repo for you from there you can install all need rpm for you and will not require and cd key.

then edit base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

name=RHEL Server 
baseurl=ftp://<ipaddress of ur server were u r looking to install any of rpm>/pub

and then

yum update
yum install glibc

It will install the rpm and dependencies

Step 2

If you have

login name and password


You'll get gui screen you add you server to rhn network and then you can install using

yum install glibc