GlusterFS not running on correct port! (peer disconnected / brick not starting)


On CentOS 7 witch two bricks on srv1 and srv2

I've upgraded gluster from 313 to 6 by using yum. I then rebooted server 1, started and mounted the drive successfully.

This is my mount command:
/usr/sbin/mount.glusterfs /home -o direct-io-mode=enable

I then restarted srv2, I cannot mount:

[2019-08-29 14:16:01.354362] I [MSGID: 101190] [event-epoll.c:680:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Started thread with index 0
[2019-08-29 14:16:01.354402] I [glusterfsd-mgmt.c:2443:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glusterfsd-mgmt: disconnected from remote-host: srv2
[2019-08-29 14:16:01.354409] I [glusterfsd-mgmt.c:2463:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glusterfsd-mgmt: Exhausted all volfile servers
[2019-08-29 14:16:01.354600] W [glusterfsd.c:1570:cleanup_and_exit] (-->/lib64/ [0x7f477284f1d3] -->/usr/sbin/glusterfsd(+0x12fef) [0x564e35a67fef] -->/usr/sbin/glusterfsd(cleanup_and_exit+0x6b) [0x564e35a6001b] ) 0-: received signum (1), shutting down
[2019-08-29 14:16:01.357036] I [socket.c:3754:socket_submit_outgoing_msg] 0-glusterfs: not connected (priv->connected = 0)
[2019-08-29 14:16:01.357050] W [rpc-clnt.c:1704:rpc_clnt_submit] 0-glusterfs: failed to submit rpc-request (unique: 0, XID: 0x2 Program: Gluster Portmap, ProgVers: 1, Proc: 5) to rpc-transport (glusterfs)

The error message is Exhausted all volfile servers. At least that's the only thing showing as an error imo.

on srv1:

Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick srv1:/datafold                        49152     0          Y       16291
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       16313

Task Status of Volume RepVol
There are no active volume tasks

on srv2:

Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick srv1:/datafold                        49152     0          Y       16291
Brick srv2:/datafold                        N/A       N/A        N       N/A
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        N       N/A
Self-heal Daemon on srv1                    N/A       N/A        Y       16313

Task Status of Volume RepVol
There are no active volume tasks

So it makes sense it cannot mount when the brick is offline. However, I have no clue how to start this brick, even after searching for hours. It would be nice to find a solution.

I tried removing the volume to recreate it but it complains not all bricks are connected.

I also read that gluster uses ipv6 on default since version 5, but not sure how it affect my setup since srv1 seems to be up and running?


Glusterd is not running on the right port! It should be 24007 but it is shown as:
netstat -tulpn | grep gluster
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28743/glusterd

what the hell? How do I fix this?? Restarting does nothing than that it assigns a new random port…
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17134/glusterd

Why is it not running on 24007?

Best Answer

I removed glusterfs-server yum remove glusterfs-server -y and installed it again:

yum install glusterfs-server -y
systemctl enable glusterd.service
systemctl start glusterd.service

It then started at port 24007 and everything worked again.

I just wasted a couple of hours because glusterd decided a random port would be fine while 24007 wasn't even in use, great!

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