GNU screen configuration for optimal keycode recognition


Currently GNU screen will botch up certain keystrokes, for example CTRL pressed in combination with the arrow keys, so that eg when in vim insert mode, CTRL-PGUp will Uppercase the next/current word (or something like that). I'd like for it to work pretty much transparently, so that the functionality is the same as when it's not running (with the obvious exception of CTRL-a control sequences)… is this possible?

Also — and I suspect this is more or less a separate issue — I'd like for the scrollwheel to scroll back in the session log rather than cycling through the history as it does now. Doable? Or perhaps it could be set to emulate a much larger screen size that the terminal app that it's running under could keep that text in its session log. either way the goal would be to be able to use the mouse wheel and/or shift-up-arrow to scroll back in the session log.

Best Answer

You can change the default keystrokes in screen, but you will encounter the same kind of problems, just with other keystrokes. Byobu makes it easier to setup the basic keystrokes for screen. In byobu, the cycling back in session log with the mouse wheel is activated, too, so you could either use it or see how it's set in /usr/share/byobu/profiles/common.

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