Google appengine newer versions always error


I've deployed newer versions of a google appengine app but they always return HTTP status code 500, 'The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds.'
Needless to say I've waited much more than that and it still does the same thing.
There is nothing in the logs to indicate what might be the issue, and I've put logging statements in my doGet, doPost, etc. methods and they don't appear in the logs, so I don't think it's getting as far as my servlet.

I could deploy it to a whole new app, but my existing app has data that I want to keep and I can't see a way of backing it up en masse and restoring it to the new app, or transferring it, or giving permissions to it. All google's documentation about inter-app backing up and restoring of data refers to the Data Store, not Cloud Storage.

Any help much appreciated.

Best Answer

I just had the same problem yesterday.

I contacted Google support and this is what they told me:

These types of errors can come from many places. Such as a local firewall or proxy on your system. The issue could also be caused by a Google Server.

In my case it came from Google because we experience the same error from different computers located in different parts of the world.

The solution that Google suggests is to implement a retry. That is what I will do. However, I'm not very happy with GAE, they should prevent this kind of errors and others that I am experiencing.

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