Google Apps – Can I configure a wildcard MX record and and catch all emai address for a domain


I am using Google Apps Premier Edition.

I want to create a disposable email address service and I want to catch all emails for a domain. This means that I should be able to catch all mails sent to an arbitrary userid and/or arbitrary domain and store them into a single Google Apps account.

For example, in a single account I want to get all mails sent to:


without requiring to do any extra configuration in Google Apps for abc or xyz. My app will download mails from this account and process accordingly.

I have figured out that I could do (1) by specifying a catch all email address.

Is the combination of both (1) and (2) possible?

Best Answer

I am a bit unsure... Do you mean that the "xyz" subdomain will be disposable? I will assume so.

As you say, 1) is easy and support is built in, but 2) requires you to register the subdomain as a separate google apps account, so if you mean for that to be disposable then you are out of luck. Once you have registered the subdomain the it will be a separate account, and you can set up a catch all for that too.

Subdomains with email accounts, such as also requires the appropriate MX (and SPF) records in DNS for that subdomain, what its parent has is irrelevant.

In short, no. I don't think what you want to do is possible.