Google Apps mail “Too many simultaneous connections” error


I'm experiencing the problem described here, in Outlook 2007 with Google Apps IMAP:

The thing is, I have no idea how the connections might have maxed out. The account in question is set up on two computers and one iPhone. If the maximum simultaneous connections is 10, I don't know how it was reached.

Also, does anybody know how long this may last for?
I'm unsure whether your account gets 'locked down' for some predetermined length of time, or should be available again once the number of connections has dipped below the limit.

So far the problem has persisted for 2 days.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

I've ran through this problem in the past (as I was running some tests with google and google apps from different clients). I'm unsure how Google treats clients or vice-versa (as far as connections per session), but this link explains how to unlock your account(s):

Pretty much, going to the link (depending if the account is a google apps domain or a regular google account):

Regular Google account:

Google Apps Domain account:[your domain].com/UnlockCaptcha

As far as fixing this issue. This might be something Google is working on (some Google groups posts about people having these same issues here).

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