Google Chrome Enterprise – Any Gotchas


Has anyone rolled out Google Chrome to a medium / large organisation?

I would like to suggest it to our management (because I think it would work very nicely with some of our intranet applications), and I would like to find out what problems (if any) the rest of the world has been experiencing with it.

Have you found any problems?
I'm thinking of enterprise-level problems. I'm thinking that we can solve anything that requires a specific configuration / proxy setting / etc.
I don't really know what I think might be a problem, but I wonder if there are any usability problems that occur when non-geeks use it? Or problems which only rear their ugly heads when you've got 50 users all doing something unexpected.

Any helpful information or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

We tend to use Microsoft stuff, so Sharepoint, IIS, SQL Server, are typical building blocks of internal sites. (Thanks, @Jim, for reminding me to mention that).

Best Answer

Only a handful of our (100 strong) IT team has it installed. I can't live without it. However, we still have to use IE or FF for certain intranet apps, as Chrome doesn't handle/render those apps correctly. (Or rather, yes I know, the pages aren't build to exacting standards - regardless, the problem exists)

You then have to consider this situation with non-technical users. Are you going to default Chrome? If so, how are the users going to know when it hasn't rendered a page correctly? How will they know to open IE or FF instead? To them, "it's all the interweb thing isn't it?".

I would personally say Chrome is several years away from being enterprise ready - certainly for our enterprise.