Google cloud instance won’t boot


I noticed one of my google cloud computers stopped connecting to ssh, and when I looked at the serial log, it seems like its not booting up at all. I use the machine for rendering, so I thought maybe the disk filled up, but when I took a snapshot of the disk the file was only 15GB and the disk itself is supposed to be 40 GB. Does anyone know how I can get this disk to boot again?

Here's my serial log:

[2J[01;01H[=3h[2J[01;01H[2J[01;01H[=3h[2J[01;01H[2J[01;01H[=3h[2J[01;01H[0m[35m[40m[2J[01;01H[=3h[2J[01;01H[0m[37m[40m[2J[01;01H[=3h[2J[01;01H[0m[35m[40m[0m[37m[40mBdsDxe: loading Boot0001 "UEFI Google PersistentDisk " from PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/Scsi(0x1,0x0)
BdsDxe: starting Boot0001 "UEFI Google PersistentDisk " from PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/Scsi(0x1,0x0)

UEFI: Attempting to start image.
Description: UEFI Google PersistentDisk 
FilePath: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/Scsi(0x1,0x0)
OptionNumber: 1.

[0m[30m[40m[2J[01;01H[0m[37m[40merror: syntax error.

error: Incorrect command.

error: syntax error.

error: syntax error.

error: Incorrect command.

error: syntax error.

Loading Linux 5.0.0-1034-gcp ...

Loading initial ramdisk ...

error: syntax error.

error: Incorrect command.

error: syntax error.

error: syntax error.

error: Incorrect command.

error: syntax error.

Best Answer

I agree with @Wojtek_B

However I’m going to summarize a possible workaround in order to solve this kind of issue. Since we agree that it looks like your partition or file system got damaged, you could try the following steps:

  1. Create a snapshot of the corrupted disk.
  2. Create a disk from the snapshot already created.
  3. Create a new VM, with the default options.
  4. When the new VM is already created, attach the new disk as a secondary one.
  5. Connect via SSH to your new VM and mount the new disk in a directory without formatting it.

mount /dev/sdXX /mnt

  1. After attaching the disk, you would have two useful disks; use chroot to change root directory into your broken system.

chroot /mnt

  1. Now all commands are executed as if you were in the broken system so you can try to repair any damage on your damaged disk. This link could help you.

Another workaround could be also to install OS Login and update the guest environment. You have further information about this topic here.

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