Google Cloud Platform – Fixing Instance Creation Failure Due to Invalid Disk Size


I'm trying to create an instance using GCP. The followings are the specifications (the rest of the settings are set as default):

Region: us-west1-b
GPU type: NVIDIA Tesla V100
Number of GPUs: 1
Series: N1
Machine type: Custom (12 vCPUs, 64GB memory)
Booting disk: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS balanced persistent disk 50GB
Add local SSD: 16 NVMes (Each SSD is 375GB, so total of 375GB * 16 = 6000GB)

It seems that adding the local SSDs is making problem. The error message says:

Invalid value for field 'resource.disks[1].initializeParams.diskSizeGb': '6000'. Invalid local SSD size in GB: 6000

However, I don't understand why it is impossible to create this instance. When I googled for the error message, there is not much to tell. Is there any clue what that error message indicates, and how I can fix it?

Best Answer

Thanks to @Appleoddity who left a great comment and @Goli Nikitha who answered my question in stackoverflow, I've figured this out using the CLI command instead of the console. I still don't know why the console does not work, but I will share the CLI command that I've used to fix this.

gcloud compute instances create <INSTANCE_NAME> --project=<PROJECT_NAME> --zone=us-west1-b --machine-type=custom-12-65536 --network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,subnet=default --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE --service-account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> --scopes=,,,,, --accelerator=count=1,type=nvidia-tesla-v100 --create-disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name=<INSTANCE_NAME>,image=projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20220331a,mode=rw,size=50,type=projects/<PROJECT_NAME>/zones/us-west1-b/diskTypes/pd-balanced --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --local-ssd=interface=NVME --no-shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring --reservation-affinity=any

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