Google Cloud Shell is temporarily unavailable


I am new to google app engine. Recently I have been using the google cloud console to develop my own blog for a while. However, since last Sunday, I cannot connect to the google cloud shell. Whenever I try to connect to the cloud shell, an error message comes up saying that "Google Cloud Shell is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting in a few minutes."

I have tried to restart the shell and re-logout/login but neither of them works. I tried to start the cloud shell under another project but it didn't work either. I have also tried to login in other computers or using other network but still don't work. I have asked a few friends and it seems that I am the only one who have this issue. Here is a screenshot of the issue that I have:

error screenshot

Does anyone have experience of dealing with this kind of issue? I am really eager to solve this problem because all my code is stored on the cloud code editor which can only be opened when cloud shell is connected. Your help will be really appreciated!

Best Answer

There does seem to be intermittent/sporadic issues with Google Cloud shell today. I kept 'retrying' and it eventually got me connected into Cloud Shell after 20 or so retries. Probably an issue on Google's side.

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