Google Cloud VPN: multiple tunnels from behind NAT


I would like to connect multiple separate NATted networks to a VPC Network using IPSec VPN. I do not fully understand the Google's documentation and I'm asking for some clarification here 🙂 The doc is here:

My setup is like this:

| net1 | --- | router1 | --- \
                               \  priv        onprem       pub   
| net2 | --- | router2 | ----  | ---- | main_router NAT | ----------- >
| netN | --- | routerN | --- / 

> ----------- | Cloud VPN gateway(s) | --- | VPC Network |

I would like to have separate tunnels from each on-prem routerN to a Cloud VPC network, probably using N Cloud gateways. I do not fully understand if this is possible with the Cloud VPN. Could someone explain this a little? 🙂

router1 behind NAT <-- IPSec --> Cloud VPN gateway1
router2 behind NAT <-- IPSec --> Cloud VPN gateway2

Best Regards

Best Answer

I managed to run multiple tunnels from behind a single public IP address using one Cloud VPN per device behind NAT.

| net1 | --- | router1 | --- \
                               \  priv        onprem       pub   
| net2 | --- | router2 | ----  | ---- | main_router NAT | ----------- >
| netN | --- | routerN | --- / 

       /--> | Cloud VPN Gateway for router1 |
----> |--   | Cloud VPN Gateway for router2 |
       \--  | Cloud VPN Gateway for routerN |

Here is how:

  • each device behind NAT initiating the IPSec tunnel (router1, router2 ... on the schema) should advertise its authentication id as the public IP of the NAT router (main_router NAT), not its private address.
  • NAT router must allow ports 500 and 4500 from the Google Cloud VPN gateways.

And now the most important part: on the main NAT router set D-NAT rules that direct traffic from each Cloud VPN Gateway to the private IP of the device that established a specific tunnel. In other words, one have to set N DNAT rules for N tunnels. This way each initial IKE conversation from Cloud VPN can be delivered to the appropriate routerN. Each subsequent traffic is caputer under ESTABLISHED,RELATED stanzas.

I looked at rules counts, etc. on my routers and it works as I described above. The IPSec tunnel is a split tunnel, which means that the Cloud VPN Gateway will try to contact the address specified in the Gateway configuration -- which in our case is always the same public IP address of the main_router NAT. Our main_router NAT must forward packets (based on the source IP address) from specific Gateways to specific internal routers.

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